Wednesday, May 15, 2013

During the War

Elsewhere, Gaara faces the Second Mizukage alone and notices how his opponent's oil is nullifying his sand as he uses his Sand Sensing to find the Giant Clam. After locating it, Ōnoki uses Earth Release: Fist Rock Technique combined with Earth Release: Super Added-Weight Rock Technique to destroy it, revealing the Mizukage's real body. Ōnoki throws out his back, rendering him immobile as the Mizukage uses the Water Gun Technique to shoot what he learns was a sand clone as it envelopes him. The Second starts to wash away the sand with oil, but Gaara layers the sand into his Desert Layered Imperial Funeral before it explodes. As hail begins to fall, Ōnoki explains to Gaara that this is the Second's Steaming Danger Tyranny as his clone reconstitutes. The explosive clone wreaks havoc, with Gaara protecting his division before fighting the clone and managing to incapacitate it with a sand clone with his father's gold dust mixed into it. with the sand clone, along with the clone's heat, to fuse the gold to its body. The clone then finds the real Gaara, and tries to attack him, only to be stopped by Gaara's sand and stopped from exploding. Greatly impressed by this feat, the Second Mizukage beams at Gaara before being sealed.
Sasuke eyes
Sasuke reveals his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.
Eariler, at the Mountains' Graveyard, Sasuke recovers from his surgery yet is told by White Zetsu to keep the bandages on for the time being. However, as Naruto and Gaara fought the Third Raikage and Second Mizukage, Sasuke attacks White Zetsu with his Susanoo and sets him ablaze with Amaterasu. Saying that his eyes could see just fine in the dark that he should try them outside, Sasuke removes his bandages to see with his newly evolved Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

Kabuto's Trump Card: The Real Madara Uchiha Edit

Kabuto's trump card is revealed to be the real Madara Uchiha.
In the rubble of a smashed pillar, a damaged Mū stands up. He reveals that he split his body in two, and that only half of him was sealed. He tries to remove the tags from his other half, but the seal is too strong in his weakened state. Mū then, eventually due to his weakened state, performs a summoning of the reincarnated ninja who is Kabuto's ultimate weapon. The figure, whose power is so intense that the coffin's lid bursted open, is revealed to be Madara Uchiha. Emerging from coffin, Madara believed he has been brought back by Nagato using Outer Path: Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique until Mū reveals the technique to be Impure World Reincarnation. When Madara questions Mū about the user of the technique's identity, Kabuto takes full control of the Tsuchikage to explain to the reincarnated Uchiha that he brought him back and had made enhancements that have gave him greater power then he had in the prime of his life.
News of this turn of events reaches the Fourth Division's location with Gaara leading the attack as Madara counters with a widespread fire technique, which is countered by the combined usage of Water Encampment Wall by several shinobi. Moving on to general melee attacks, given free reign by Kabuto, Madara wreaks havoc on the Fourth Division, prompting Ōnoki to raise the ground below him to force him into Naruto's Ultra-Big Ball Rasengan.
Madara responds by activating his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and blocking the attack with his Susanoo and goes on to continue decimating the division's forces. As Naruto enters Sage Mode and creates his attack, Ōnoki lightensGaara's sand, allowing him to manipulate it easier, which he uses to pull Madara out of Susanoo into the path of Naruto's Sage Mode-enhanced Rasenshuriken. Claiming the attack to be 'too much', Madara surprisingly activates his Rinneganand uses the Preta Path's chakra absorption technique to dispel the technique, to which Kabuto rejoices that the hypothesis that he came up with based on the data gathered by he and Orochimaru was validated, as he improved Madara's body beyond what it was in his prime. Madara replies that his power is not of Kabuto's creation, but his own. Using his twin-bodied Susanoo to weave two seals at once in conjunction with his own, pulling a giant asteroid earthbound towards the Fourth Division, stunning everyone, leading Gaara to question whether this was the power of a god.
Madara's Meteorites
The two meteorites called down by Madara crash into one another.
As the giant meteorite descends, Ōnoki tells the Allied Shinobi not to give up before even trying. He flies towards the meteorite intending to lighten it. Gaara orders everyone to retreat, as he stays behind to help Ōnoki. Kabuto speaking through Mū, surmises that Madara intends to destroy everything with the meteor, and Madara states that he is correct as they will simply regenerate. Ōnoki successfully lightens the meteorite, as Gaara catches it with his sand. Madara asks what they will do about the second one, as it collides it with the first. At the Allied HQ, discussing their masked foe's reason for calling himself "Madara Uchiha" with A and Shikaku, Tsunade believes it was to play on the fear the name itself presents and how their opponent used Madara's name to get the world's attention and drag it into war. The shock from the second meteorite's impact reaches HQ. They receive intel about what happened, and they determine that it must be Madara's attack. Tsunade states that she will be heading to the front. Back at the battlefield there are barely any survivors left. Dodai protected Naruto's clone due to him being a valuable asset.
Ōnoki was severely injured by the attack. Madara and Mū regenerate, and speak about Madara's plans. They notice survivors and Madara attempts to summon the Nine-Tails, but fails due to it being sealed. Kabuto points out that the jinchūriki is Naruto Uzumaki. Madara uses Hashirama's Wood Release Secret Technique: Nativity of a World of Trees to attack the the remaining Allied Forces. The Nine-Tails gives Naruto some of its chakra without any of its will, preferring to help Naruto over being controlled by Madara again. Naruto rushes towards the approaching forest and creates many shadow clones. The clones create multiple Big Ball Rasengan and destroy the advancing forest. Naruto says that he used up all of the Nine-Tails chakra and that he feels like he could disappear at any moment. Ōnoki tells Naruto to rest while they finish the battle. He proclaims that it's finally time to pick himself off the ground and that there's no opponent more worthy than Madara Uchiha.
The Five Kage United
The Five Kage confront Madara.
Ōnoki decides to take on both Madara and  with the assistance of the remaining Fourth DivisionTsunade and A decide to head to Madara's location through Mabui's Heavenly Transfer Technique, a technique that only transports objects as transporting a living being would surely rip them apart. However, Tsunade decides to take the gamble using her Yin Seal: ReleaseShikakutelepathically communicates to Genma to have him, Raidō and another Konohashinobi to perform the Flying Thunder God Technique to transport Mei to Madara's location as well after Chōjūrō incapacitates Black Zetsu with a single slash. The three Kage arrive at the battlefield and prepare to fight Madara.
Mei and A battle Madara while Tsunade heals Gaara and Ōnoki. Gaara and Ōnoki protect the group when Madara goes into the offensive. The five Kage tell Naruto's clone that he isn't needed in that battlefield any more, and urge him to beat the other Madara. The clone disperses.

The Showdown with Tobi Edit

Jinchūriki grow tails
The reincarnated jinchūriki displaying the tails of their respective beasts.
Naruto and B encounter Tobi and Naruto head-butts him head-on, sending them both reeling. Tobi's mask doesn't even get a scratch on it. B catches Naruto and advises him to calm down. Naruto comments on Tobi's new mask's appearance and strength, which Tobi replies is due to the mask being made of materials suitable for war. Then, Naruto and B start fighting Tobi's Six Paths of Pain.Rōshi begins the assault by lunching lava boulders at his opponents, which B and Naruto responds by attacking head on. Yagura however manages to counterthe attacks causing B and Naruto to fall into Utakata's trap. B and Naruto manage to escape it, but find themselves being blinded by , which were followed by fast attacks from Yugito and Han, and though the assault were successfully blocked, Naruto and B were still driven back. Tobi finds out that Madara was reincarnated, with the youth demanding who he truly is, he tells Naruto that he is a nobody and that the only thing that truly matters is him completing the Eye of the Moon Plan. When Naruto and B state their own goal of tearing his mask off to find who he is truly it, Tobi ends the conversation by proclaiming that he will capture both of them and complete his plans.
Hachibi unleashed
B transforms into the Eight-Tails to level the forest.
Naruto states they won't hand over the Eight-Tails and the Nine-Tails. B questions if the jinchūriki had their tailed beasts removed, and the Eight-Tails concludes that they must have been resealed, as it can sense them in their hosts, though different. B begins attacking despite Naruto's call to wait. B attacks Fū with Samehada, but she dodges it by flying. B launches his swordscoated in lightning chakra from her blindspot, but she dodges it as the other jinchūriki watch the two. B wonders how she could dodge from a blindspot, so Naruto tells him about the Rinnegan's shared field of vision. Rōshi coats himself in lava and attacks Naruto, who narrowly evades it, the heat burning his cheek. Yugito launches her guided attack, and clashes with B, cutting his scarf. B and Naruto take cover, and B is surprised by her speed, and the Eight-Tails points out that the Sharingan allows them to react faster, while the Rinnegan coordinate attacks. Naruto tells B and the Eight-Tails about the Paths of Pain and the chakra receivers. B points one in Yugito's chest, from a hit he landed earlier. Naruto goes in the open and tries destroying a receiver in Rōshi while being attacked, but is stopped by Han. The Eight-Tails says that the forest will hinder their field of vision, so B transforms into the Eight-Tails to level the forest.
Revived Jinchuriki transform
The reincarnated jinchūriki enter Version 2 states.
devastates the forest, also knocking down the other jinchūriki. At the Allied Shinobi HQ, Ao detects that B has transformed into the Eight-Tails. Inoichireceives updates on the Kage holding Madara back. Shikaku requests other divisions' statuses, and learns that the First and Second Divisions are almost done with their enemies, the Third only has one more reincarnated shinobi to seal, and the Fifth has the advantage on their fight. Shikaku orders that as soon as they're done, that they go back up B and Naruto, and asks their coordinates. Naruto notes that the jinchūriki are down, and the Eight-Tails urges B to seal them. B spits out ink clones, which proceed to lock them in place.
Kakashi, guy vs Tobi
Kakashi and Guy arrive to save Naruto.
Before the clones finish sealing them, Tobi appears from underground, the jinchūriki advance in their transformations and resume attacking. Fū and Yugitotag-team on Naruto, followed by Yagura, who impairs Naruto's movements. Meanwhile, Utakata frees himself from B's hold and Rōshi attacks. The Eight-Tails is concerned and thinks they should retreat, but B is rammed by Han, who has fully transformed into the Five-Tails. Tobi moves in, to warp Naruto away, stating that six against two puts the odds in his favour. However, this was thwarted as Kakashi and Guy attacked Tobi with his Violent — Leaf Adamantine-Strength Whirlwind technique and causes Tobi to become intangible and slip through Naruto while Kakashi retrieve Naruto. Naruto is happy to see them, while Tobi states that two more shinobi doesn't make a difference against the power of his eyes and tailed beasts. Kakashi then states that they too have a Sharingan followed by Guy who states that to not underestimate him as he was Konoha's Sublime Green Beast of Prey.
Sasuke Part 2
Sasuke leaves Mountains' Gaveyard.
At the Mountains' GraveyardSasuke breaks out of the hideout while elsewhere, having escaped the samuraiJūgo and Suigetsu discuss Sasuke and Karin, as well as Suigetsu's goal to collect swords as they head to one of Orochimaru's hideouts. On the battlefield, Naruto warns Guy and Kakashi about Tobi's abilities. As the Five-Tails attacks, Guy frees Naruto from the coral before seeing the beast turn on Tobi who chains and suppresses the Five-Tails, who is dismayed at being controlled in that manner. The Eight-Tails tries crushing Tobi, but he simply slips through it. Tobi returns Han back to his Version 2 form. Guy and Kakashi speculate that Tobi doesn't have full control over the tailed beasts. The Eight and Nine-Tails speak to each other telepathically about the treatment of the tailed beasts and the Nine-Tails says that as the second strongest beast, going by tails, the Eight-Tails should just finish the battle already, and feigns sleep. The Eight-Tails snaps back, saying that this belief about their powers being defined by the number of tails is exactly why the Shukaku hated the Nine-Tails so much. Guy and Kakashi charge at the jinchūriki, intending to figure out which of the Six Paths of Pain techniques each one used, only to conclude that Tobi isn't making them use Six Paths techniques because they already have strategies against those. Tobi praises them for figuring that out, and proceeds to make Rōshi and Utakata transform completely into their respective beasts. Naruto falls out ofNine-Tails Chakra Mode, and considers creating more shadow clones with the Nine-Tails' chakra as diversions. B thinks that creating more clones would surely kill him, but the Eight-Tails points out that Naruto should already be on the brink of death, and thinks that the Nine-Tails has stopped taking Naruto's chakra for a while. The Six-Tailsattacks Kakashi and Guy, who dodge. The Four-Tails tosses the Eight-Tails, and Naruto almost falls into its mouth, but resists being eaten by the Four-Tails, now back in Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, as the Nine-Tails opens one eye watching on.
Naruto encounters Son
Naruto meets with Son Gokū.
The Four-Tails tosses the Eight-Tails on the ground, and keeps forcing its mouth shut with Naruto in it while the Nine-Tails watches on. Guy wants to save Naruto, but Kakashi points out their own unfortunate situation between two attack fronts: the Six-Tails' corrosive gas and the other jinchūriki's chakra arms. Kakashi creates a shadow clone and slices through the arms, while Guypunches and burns the gas away. The Eight-Tails wraps its tentacles around the Four-Tails, telling it to let go of Naruto. The Eight-Tails tells the Nine-Tails it heard that it helped Naruto against Madara, the Nine-Tails saying it won't wag its tails to help its jinchūriki as easily as the Eight-Tails. The Eight-Tails questions if it doesn't care at all about what happens to Naruto. The Nine-Tails recalls how many shinobi in the past have restrained it and denied it an identity. The Four-Tails closes its mouth. Naruto meets the Four-Tails, bound by chains. It asks if Naruto is there to take its power, and demands to be called by its proper name, making a boisterous introduction. Naruto apologises for not listening to Son Gokū, which impresses it. Naruto and Son Gokū discuss issues of recognition, identity, and existence. The Four-Tails laughs when Naruto says he's jealous of how B and the Eight-Tails are with each other, before seeing Naruto is serious about it. Considering Naruto to be a better sight than Tobi, Son Gokū offers to help Naruto if he can undo the chains that bind it.
Gedo chains
Tobi restraining Son Gokū.
Son Gokū tells Naruto that it won't become his ally even if he saves it, unless it can trust Naruto, who is OK with that. Kurama ponders that it knows Naruto, and that nothing he can say will reach a tailed beast. Tobi pulls Son towards himself with chains intent on absorbing them both. B's still trying to make Son open its mouth and release Naruto. Naruto fails to make Son open its mouth, and decides using the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique to make Son puke him out, which it does. B celebrates it. Son tells Naruto that the chakra receiver in him slid from its chest to its neck because of the full tailed beast transformation. Naruto spots it, enters in his Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, and sets out to remove it, apologising to Son in advance if he needs to get rough. Naruto pulls himself towards the receiver. Tobi tries binding Naruto with the chains. Kurama recalls Naruto's past achievements, and thinks that if Naruto truly wants to help tailed beasts, that he should do like he always has and act. Naruto tries pulling out the chakra receiver, while a clone he left inside Son enters Sage Mode triespushing it from the inside.
Naruto Kurama
Naruto and Kurama stand side by side.
After Naruto successfully removes the chakra receiver, Tobi instantly summons the Demonic Statue of the Outer Pathand reseals Son Gokū, but not before it leaves Naruto with a parting gift. With a declaration, that he intends to go all-out from this point on because they had something that belonged to him, Tobi forces the remaining five jinchūriki into their respective full tailed beast forms. As Kakashi and Guy watch on in shock, Kurama tells Naruto that he is willing to lend him more of his power. Somewhat taken aback by this, Naruto then proceeds to thank the beast for helping him during his brief battle with Madara Uchiha, which Kurama rebuffs. Naruto then chastises the beast for the manner in which he took gratitude before the beast — offering him its fist — tells Naruto to meld his chakra with its own. Bumping fists with the beast, Naruto stands and tells B and the Eight-Tails that he was ready to go again. They however tells him that they would take the front lines while Naruto acted as support since he was unable to transform into the full Nine-Tails. Naruto however declines this manoeuvre, leading the Eight-Tails to wonder if Kurama had finally come around. As Naruto places his hand on the seals on his stomach and opens the gates that held Kurama back, he states that it was no longer the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, but Kurama — a comrade from Konohagakure.
Naruto transforms into Kurama
Naruto's Tailed Beast Mode.
As the seal opens up, the five opposing tailed beasts each create a Tailed Beast Ball to fire at Kakashi and Guy. Kakashi planned on countering using Kamuiwhile Guy considers openning up his eighth gate, but Naruto, after undergoing a transformation from releasing his seal was able to deflect all the attacks. Frustrated, Tobi made all the tailed beasts attack, but they were all pushed away by the Nine-Tails' roar. Kakashi and Guy found themselves within Kurama's chakra, while Naruto created a clone which entered Sage Mode to locate the rods on the tailed beasts. Kurama warned Naruto that since their union wasn't perfect, they could remain in this form for only five minutes, which Naruto states was plenty of time. Using the chakra, Naruto grabbed the Seven-Tails, planning on pile-driving it into the Three-Tails, but the giant turtle managed to curl up and roll away. Intending on finishing off the Seven-Tails, Kurama raised its fist, but it was swallowed by the Six-Tails, trapping them while the Three-Tails rolled straight at them. Just before it could reach the giant fox, the Eight-Tails managed to grab the turtle with its tentacles. The Five-Tails then tried to ram into the bull again but B managed to knock it away. The Two-Tails then attempted to pounce on Kurama, but Naruto swung the Six-Tails into its path, sending them both flying. Naruto's Sage Mode clone managed to figure out the location of the chakra receivers, while Kakashi and Guy watch on in disbelief. Tobi, realising he wouldn't be able to defeat the two jinchūriki unless he aimed to kill them, made his tailed beasts regroup to perform one massive Tailed Beast Ball, which Naruto responded to by firing his own.
Naruto meets bijuus
Naruto's encounter with the other tailed beasts and jinchūriki.
As Naruto's Tailed Beast Ball collide with those of the opposing tailed beasts, both attacks fly upwards and explode. Using the opportunity to grab the beasts by the throat, Naruto sends clones of himself all in the initial Nine-Tails Chakra Mode to grab hold of the chakra receivers. As they do so, the original enters the consciousness of the tailed beasts who had all been waiting there with their respective jinchūriki and is greeted by Yugito who was pleased he had made it to this level. Welcoming him, Naruto and Yagura — whom the former starts pitying believing the former Mizukage to be a child who looked even weaker than Naruto did — have a brief conversation after having Kurama remind him that the only person he had kissed was Sasuke. After learning of Son Gokū and Rōshi's fate from Fū, he is summoned before the tailed beast and told to stretch out his hand. After Utakata and Han thank Naruto, one by one, tailed beast and jinchūriki alike introduce themselves to Naruto and then "bump fists" with him. Here, Kurama remembers the parting words of the Sage of the Six Paths and then — as the stakes are removed — asks his fellow tailed beast if they too believed as Son did that Naruto was the one that the Sage had spoken of so long ago. They all affirm them as a shocked Tobi reseals them into the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path. Though stating that nothing had changed because of his worn out condition after the Tailed Beast Mode had ended, Naruto refutes Tobi's claim, stating that he had just learned a bunch of difficult names all at once.
Tobi is confused by Naruto's claim of learning difficult names, which Naruto teases him for. Guy remarks how Naruto's progress is making him feel old, to which Kakashi tries to make him feel better, only to fail. Tobi feels a moisture on his wrist, at first thinking it was sweat but eventually convinces himself that it's the rain that's starting to fall. Tobi has a strange feeling about Naruto and perceives an aura about him. However, he snaps out of his shaken state and asserts that the war will make everything irrelevant, including Naruto. At the Allied Shinobi HQ, Naruto's use of Kurama's chakra was felt, though they also feel something else. Ao relays to events to Shikaku, who wants to use it to raise the army's morale all at once, despite the strain it would cause to him. Naruto's friends from Konoha all rush towards his direction, all with intent on supporting him. Elsewhere, Sasuke also walks towards the battlefield as a thunderstorm ensues.

Against the Uchiha Edit

In the Konohagakure Intelligence DivisionKarin feigns mental instability to lessen the guards' attention to her, and begins plotting her escape with a lock-pick set hidden in her glasses and under a portrait of Sasuke she made. Jūgoand Suigetsu learn about the war, near one of Orochimaru's hideouts. Jūgo questions Suigetsu's reasons to be part of Taka, and while the two argue, Jūgo's killing intent kicks in, and he attacks Suigetsu. Suigetsu simply reforms and begins drowning Jūgo to subdue him. He notices that the attack revealed a secret room caused by Jūgo's attack, where Suigetsu discovers a scroll detailing secrets to winning the war. Sasuke runs into a small platoon of the White Zetsu Army, who question his presence outside, and realise he's killed the original White Zetsu before attacking. Sasuke uses Susanoo and incinerates several of them. He interrogates one of the White Zetsu usinggenjutsu, and learns about the war and its purpose. Sasuke finishes the White Zetsu and decides to go kill Naruto Uzumaki. Sasuke is pleased with Itachi's eyes, and reminisces about him. Elsewhere, Itachi is on the move.
Sasuke sees itachi
Sasuke notices Itachi as the latter ploughs on to Kabuto's hideout.
Ōnoki attacks Madara Uchiha with a giant rock golem, which Madara destroys, creating several flowers. Tsunade recognises the technique as her grandfather's.Gaara suspends the Kage above the attack, Ōnoki levitating A. The flowers begin releasing a toxic pollen. Kabuto Yakushi muses on how people who heard of Hashirama Senju's strength consider it a myth, just like the Sage of the Six Paths, and that he'll show everyone that this is real. DodaiGenma, and Raidōgive chase to . Having steered the Kage's attention towards the flowers, Madara uses Susanoo to knock them down from behind, throwing them at the flowers, and proceeds to set the forest ablazeMei tries putting out the fire, but collapses due to the pollen, as do the other Kage. Ōnoki thinks back to his youth, talking to the First Tsuchikage about the strong will of Iwa shinobi. Ōnoki musters enough strength to destroy the flowers and injure Madara. The other Kage regain conciousness just in time to see the face formed from the DNA of the First Hokage's face in Madara's chest. Kabuto gushes on how Orochimaru's creation allowed him to create the ultimate trump card. Elsewhere, Sasuke Uchiha detects someone in the woods nearby. Taking out his sword, he goes investigate, only to be shocked at seeing Itachi Uchiha.
After Sasuke spots Itachi, he chases his brother down. Itachi refuses to be swayed from his mission, so Sasuke attempts to use Susanoo to stop him, but Itachi counters with his own. As Sasuke chases his brother the two have a conversation. Elsewhere, a regenerating Madara decides to target Tsunade after realising she was a Senju. Deeming her a weak woman who had seemingly inherited nothing from Hashirama who he claimed was even more skilled in medical ninjutsu than she was, he goes on to say that even more so that a weak person, he detested a weak Senju. Tsunade however rebuffs him, telling him that though she had not inherited the Wood Release kekkei genkai her grandfather possessed and that he may have even been more skilled than her with medical ninjutsu — since he did not require the use of hand seals to use it, Madara made two mistakes. One was assuming she was a weak woman and the other was that she had inherited nothing from her ancestor. She states that she inherited something more than simple power, the Will of Fire — something Madara should not take so lightly.
Full Yin Seal Release
Tsunade using the Strength of a Hundred Technique to take on Madara.
Madara doubts Tsunade can defeat him with the Will of Fire, stating power has nothing to do with will. Tsunade disagrees, saying that the will she inherited made her strong, crediting it for her revolution of medical ninjutsu, building an entire system, and making its three rules, which she lists to him as she releases her seal. She then reveals another rule: that only those who have mastered the Strength of a Hundred Technique are allowed to break the other three rules. The other Kage are stunned to learn about this, while Madara is unfazed, having never heard of the technique. Tsunade explains it's a kinjutsuonly she knows how to use. Madara says that getting rid of the pollen and adding a medical-nin won't help their odds. Tsunade says all of them will go at it at once if it comes down to it, and that she's not just a medical-nin. Madara covers himself with Susanoo's ribcage, which Tsunade cracks with her attack. Madara notes her to be slower than the Raikage, but stronger than him.
Madara tries immolating Tsunade, but is stopped by Mei, who also attacks. A and Ōnoki deal a heavy blow just as Tsunade lands a powerful kick, sending Madara crashing down. Madara concedes that Tsunade isn't as weak as he thought. Madara reminds her that she'll get herself killed if she simply rushes into battle, the Kage's source of treatment and recovery. Madara wonders what Hashirama left them, saying they're nothing compared to Hashirama, and that if he had known how weak they'd be, he'd have taught Hashirama how to rise from the dead. He says the only power Hashirama left is clinging to him, and that his own brother only left him his eyes and their power. Tsunade asks if he heard nothing of what she said. Madara says the only thing that could be passed to them is hatred.
At the same time, Dan Katō and Chōza Akimichi have a conversation where Chōza informs him that Madara had been reincarnated and that Tsunade — as Hokage — and the other Kage were battling him, which shocks Dan. Despite Chōza's confidence in Tsunade, Dan tells him that he should use his time finding the caster of the technique instead of guarding the barrier that held him as Madara was not to be taken lightly, expressing his belief that only Hashirama could possibly defeat Madara. Back at the battle with Madara, Tsunade manages to land a devastating blow on Madara and as he regenerates, Gaara binds and seals him. This is however, revealed to be nothing more that a wood clone, as Tsunade is impaled by a Susanoo Sword and Madara emerges from a root telling them that when he fought Hashirama in the past, only his dōjutsu could see through the clone.
Itachi confronts Kabuto
Kabuto is found by Itachi.
To keep Sasuke from following him, Itachi summons a flock of crows, which stall Sasuke. Itachi finds Kabuto Yakushi, saying that he felt where his chakra came from while he was being controlled earlier, citing it as a weakness of the technique. Kabuto isn't concerned, as he's the only one who can stop the technique. After seeing Sasuke close behind Itachi, Kabuto gets excited, exclaiming his luck had turned for the better which prompted an exasperated Itachi to remark that things had turned out worse than he expected.
Sasuke siding Itachi
Sasuke sides with Itachi to defeat Kabuto.
Having arrived at Kabuto's hideout, Sasuke identifies Kabuto. Kabuto attempts to manipulate him into attacking Itachi, but Sasuke explains his goal was to talk with his brother and that Kabuto, who has now taken Orochimaru's mantle, is his enemy. Meanwhile Tsunade reveals her new technique's power, which allows nearly instant regeneration without the usage of hand seals, and throws the sword that impales her back at Madara. While he absorbs it into his Susanoo, Ōnoki tries to blast Madara with Dust Release from behind, but Madara simply absorbs it, claiming he could have done it earlier but instead took it as a chance to demoralise them with Hashirama's visage. Tsunade questions his confidence, stating the Kage forced him into using a wood clone. Instead of rebuffing her, Madara admits five versus one is a good match-up number and creates twenty-five wood clones, five for each Kage. Sasuke attempts to kill Kabuto, but Itachi stops him, explaining the need to discover the counter to the Impure World Reincarnation beforehand. Sasuke agrees to cooperate on the terms that Itachi will answer his questions once they're done, and Itachi accepts, as both brothers and Kabuto ready themselves for battle.
Kabuto's Sage Mode
Kabuto enters Sage Mode.
Closing his hood and stating that he was an introverted person and as such it was unsettling to be stared at by so many people, Kabuto sends his snakes charging towards Sasuke and Itachi. The brothers are able to fend this attack off, however Kabuto uses this opportunity to hide in one of his snakes. Here, Kabuto reveals the abilities that he had gained from experimenting with Sasuke's former team-mates: Karin's healing abilities, a similar ability to Suigetsu'sHydrification Technique as well as Jūgo's ability to absorb natural energy. After revealing that he had found and trained at the Ryūchi Cave — much to Itachi's shock — he narrowly dodges Sasuke's attack. Emerging from the snake's mouth he reveals that he had finally surpassed Orochimaru and was able to become a sage and declares that he was now a dragon after Sasuke mistakes him for an imperfect snake like Orochimaru was.
Kabuto launches a dragon at the brothers. As Itachi rushes over, a blinding light and violent air vibrations erupt. Sasuke and Itachi are paralysed by the air vibrations, but Kabuto is still able to move because of his liquified body. Kabuto goes after Sasuke first. Itachi protects him with Susanoo. Itachi explains that he already knows where Kabuto's going to attack, so he can guard properly. Kabuto jumps onto the ceiling. Itachi tells Sasuke to remember the plan they used when they went on a mission together. Sasuke remembering hunting a huge boar as he puts the plan into action with his brother. Sasuke thinks he has Kabuto, but then is shocked to see Kabuto off to the side stabbing Itachi. Itachi's body is revealed to be a crow clone, and the real Itachi counterattacks, cutting off a piece of Kabuto's horn. Itachi and Sasuke remember their time together and prepare to catch the snake.
Itachi and Kabuto clash.
Amused at the fact that though Sasuke should hate Itachi, the two seemed to be getting along well, Kabuto states that he understands that something might have happened during the brothers' battle, could not understand what Sasuke could want from a dead person. After hearing Sasuke declare that he wanted to know the truth, Kabuto surmises that Sasuke was suspicious of his brother, having already heard the truth and as such never returned to Konohagakurebecause of his intent to destroy it for making his brother suffer. Calling Itachi a liar and stating that he had went as far as to eradicate his entire clan in order to protect the village, he asks Sasuke whether or not what he was doing was more akin to his own goals of wanting to continue what Orochimaru started and destroy Konoha.
Attempting to inveigle him to his side once again, Sasuke has a flashback of a conversation he overheard with a group of Konoha-nin bad-mouthing Itachi after which he declares that he was nothing like Kabuto and that crushing Konoha was his own ambition. Recalling his life in Konoha, Kabuto begins to renounce the village and tells Sasuke that he would be his new brother. Telling his brother not to listen to Kabuto, Itachi commences his plan of action, telling his brother that he would use one of the clan's ultimate dōjutsu. Believing it to be Izanagi, Sasuke questions his brother on this. Itachi however corrects his brother as he clashes with Kabuto while wielding Sasuke's sword telling him that this is another technique, able to decide destiny:Izanami.
Muki Tensei2
Kabuto incapacitates Itachi.
Kabuto attacks the Uchiha brothers with his Sage Art: Inorganic Reincarnationcausing the cave formations to attack them. Having used his Susanoo to protect Sasuke, Itachi is incapacitated between the rocks. As Kabuto retrieves a talisman from his snake, intent on rewriting Itachi's mind, Sasuke creates a ring of Amaterasu flames to prevent Kabuto from taking any further action. Commending Sasuke's strategy, Kabuto tells him nonetheless that they were not capable of defeating him. Continuing to brag about his accomplishments, he states that of anyone currently alive, he had come the closest to the Sage of the Six Paths and that compared to him, the Uchiha were nothing. This prompts Sasuke to lash out at him, but he is stopped by a fully-regenerated Itachi. Itachi tells Kabuto that he reminded him of his former self though the two of them were very different. He then tells him that because he did not understand his own limitations, the value of comrades and who he really was, he was doomed to fail as he did when he was alive. With this, Kabuto retorts that they were the ones that knew nothing about him and that for his whole life, he had tried to find who he really was. With this Kabuto has a flashback to his earliest memory of being found by Nonō and Urushi. He then states that for his whole life, he had nothing.

The Tale of Kabuto Edit

Root and Kabuto
Kabuto volunteers to go with Root.
Kabuto then remembers his first meeting with Orochimaru while aiding the wounds of several Konohagakure shinobi, declining the offer of being a shinobi. Nonō is later approached by Danzō Shimura, Orochimaru and another unknown shinobi, who blackmail her into undertaking an intelligence gathering mission based on the intel they had received that Iwagakure was planning a big attack. Taking Kabuto along with them to replace a dead Root member, the young man was sent on several spy mission in different hidden villages inclusive of the Five Great Shinobi Countries. On a mission in Iwagakure, his cover was blown and as he attempted to escape he was confronted by an Iwa-nin. Kabuto attacked the ninja with his chakra scalpel severely wounding his would-be assassin, revealed to be Nonō to his horror. When Nonō did not remember him as he attempted to heal her, a shocked Kabuto ran off and left her as Kitsuchi and another Iwa-nin approached them. Devastated that she did not remember him and wondering who he was, Kabuto is once again approached by Orochimaru who states that Kabuto had become quite the shinobi.
Kabuto Conducting Experiment
Kabuto transfusing blood containing Orochimaru's remains into himself.
Kabuto is startled by Orochimaru's approach. Orochimaru says he's been watching Kabuto and Nonō for a long time, and invites him to come with him, promising to reveal to him the reason Nonō attacked him and didn't recognise him. Orochimaru takes Kabuto to his medically-equipped hideout, telling Kabuto he's the first person he has brought there. Kabuto questions Orochimaru on why he brought him there, and Orochimaru is pleased with his enquiring nature. Orochimaru reveals that Root set up Kabuto and Nonō to kill each other, as their skilled abilities as spies with vast knowledge have made them too dangerous to be kept alive. Orochimaru then explains that Danzō told Nonō the reason Kabuto joined Root, accepting her pleas to relieve him of duty if she kills one man, Kabuto, who she would believe be someone else, having been given photos of a different child over the years.
Kabuto figures Orochimaru was sent to kill whoever survived, Orochimaru confirming this fact to a mortified Kabuto while telling him they are no different. He explains to Kabuto that he has found value in Kabuto's skill and wants his services within the newly created Otogakure with the promise of a new identity. Accepting the offer, Kabuto becomes Orochimaru's spy, pretending to be a spy for Sasori in order to learn about Akatsuki, and aids his new employer in his experiments through the years. After Orochimaru's defeat at Sasuke's hand, Kabuto injects himself with blood from the remains of Orochimaru's true form to achieve an identity of his own making.

The Three Climatic Battles Edit

Kabuto cuts down Itachi
Kabuto bisects Itachi.
Having finished reminiscing about his childhood, Kabuto tells the brothers that he assimilated more than just Orochimaru's DNA, that his pawns were a show of his own power and refuses to have Itachi oppose him any longer. Even though Itachi rejects what Kabuto says, Kabuto presses on with his attack. A construct of Sakon emerges from the base of his navel snake, and Kabuto uses his Attack of the Twin Demons technique as he has the construct transform into Jirōbō, who then uses the Earth Release: Earth Shore Return technique to part the circle of flames that the Uchiha brother had created around themselves. Giving them no time to react, he brings forth Kidōmaru next and has him use theSpider Web Unrolling technique to trap the brothers — who use Amaterasu to incinerate the uncuttable web. Moving behind the brothers and producingKimimaro next, he has him use the Dance of the Seedling Fern technique to block the area behind them while also creating another web in front of them, effectively caging the brothers in. After they manage to escape, Kabuto usesTayuya and her Demonic Flute: Phantom Sound Chains technique to attack the siblings with an auditory genjutsu effectively incapacitating them. Bringing forth Orochimaru himself finally, Kabuto has him transform into his white snake form and attack the brothers. The Uchiha manage to escape the genjutsu and fend the snake off by casting genjutsu on each other. Kabuto, however, appears from the mouth of the snake with a surprise attack and bisects Itachi, stating that a genius that has had everything would not understand him wanting to find his true self and then declared that no one would stand in his way with this.
Itachi cuts kabuto
Kabuto caught in Izanami.
Regenerating, Itachi called out to Sasuke as Kabuto moved to implant his talisman to rewrite Itachi's mind. Responding, Sasuke threw his sword at Kabuto. Kabuto caught the sword with his navel-snake, and dodged the grasp of Sasuke's Susanoo. Sasuke launched a fireball at Kabuto who countered it with a large torrent of water which swept Sasuke off his feet. Through the mist created from the two clashing techniques, Kabuto noticed that Itachi, who Kabuto stabbed with the sword for him disappeared into a flurry of crows and attack Kabuto with the sword he took from him. Chastising him for using the same attack pattern he had used before to cut his horn off, to which Itachi rebuffs that he cannot be harmed also refuting Kabuto's claims that genjutsu cannot affect him, stating that it already had. This sequence of events repeats itself once again until Kabuto begins to notice the déjà vu, regardless of what he did differently. It was ultimately revealed that the entire new sequence of the battle was taking place within Kabuto's head, as he was trapped within Izanami.
Using this time, Sasuke questions his brother about Izanami. Itachi explains the mechanisms behind the technique, the history of their clan, their use of Izanagi and why Izanami was created. He then tells his brother that Kabuto would be freed from Izanami once he accepted his fate. Somewhat angered that Itachi would use a technique that the victim could escape, Sasuke questions his brother who tells him that he wanted to give Kabuto the opportunity to accept his fate — something he himself could not do during his lifetime. This explanation only served to irate Sasuke more who believed his brother to be perfect, but Itachi, refutes this claim. All throughout this, Kabuto continues to battle on in his mind, refusing to give up. Elsewhere on the battlefield, a grown up Urushi, tells one of his comrades about his home and hopes that by the time he got back, his brother, Kabuto, would be there. Meanwhile at the cave, Itachi prepares to end the Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation.
As Kabuto remains incapacitated by Izanami, Sasuke questions whether undoing the Impure World Reincarnation would not mean Itachi would disappear as well. Declaring that he no longer had any attachment to the world of the living, Itachi notes that he was proud to be able to protect Konohagakure once more. Enraged to hear Itachi's motives, Sasuke states that while he could forgive his brother, he could never forgive the village for what they had done. This leads Itachi to tell his little brother that he won't be the one to change him and that he was doing this to aid Naruto Uzumaki — whom he had entrusted that task to. Itachi then proceeds to raise the brille over Kabuto's eyes and uses genjutsu to order Kabuto to teach him the hand seals needed to stop the Impure World Reincarnation.
Final Susanoo
Madara's complete Susanoo.
Meanwhile, the five Kage struggle to hold their own against Madara's twenty-five Susanoo-clad wood clones. Amidst all the struggles, Ōnoki rallies them to fight on having been entrusted with a great task at which they could not fail. Madara notes that he needed to break Ōnoki's will as it was the most troublesome of all. Rallying to each other's side, Tsunade transfers chakra to Ōnoki who uses a large-scale Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique which succeeds in obliterating the twenty-five clones and part of the real Madara, in one fell swoop. Splitting the cube down the middle, Mei Terumi unleashes a Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique which A charges with lightning. This makes contact with Madara effectively slowing down his response time. As Madara prepares to counter, it is revealed that sand was also concealed in the dragon which Gaara uses to bind Madara's movements further in order to create an opening for Ōnoki to use another Dust Release thus giving time to seal him due to the regeneration process. After they declared that this was the power of the five Kage, Madara compliments them stating that he would respond with his full power as well. He then unleashes the complete version of his Susanoo stating that it would help them realise just how futile their efforts have been, regardless of being Kage.
Kabuto releases Edo Tensei
Itachi using Kabuto to end Impure World Reincarnation technique.
The five Kage look on in shock as Madara unleashes his Susanoo. After stabilising the construct, Tsunade questions whether her grandfather really fought against someone who was so much stronger than five Kage put together. Madara responds by saying that Hashirama was the only one who could defeat him and then states that it was a good thing that he wasn't here as the extent of damage to the surrounding landscape would be on a much smaller scale as he sends the Kage flying with one swing from his sword — destroying the mountain range behind him in the process. Realising his full power, Ōnoki questions whether or not Madara had gone easy on him and  in the past, to which Madara states that why should fight seriously against children. As the Kage stand to face Madara nonetheless, Ōnoki then states that they would not back down now, causing Madara to resolve himself to crushing their beliefs.
Elsewhere, Itachi then commands Kabuto to use the hand seals he had just stated to end the Impure World Reincarnation. Sasuke uses this time to state his resolve to Itachi and that he will destroy the village because of what it did to him before bidding farewell to Itachi. As the technique is released, the reincarnated shinobi from all-over the battlefield begin to deconstruct. Upon seeing this, a battered Naruto and B thanks Itachi and uses it as motivation to wrap things up with Tobi as well. Before being completely decommissioned, Itachi heads towards his little brother with his hand outstretched, stating that he could still make it.
Itachi loves Sasuke
Itachi imparts his final words to his brother.
With the Impure World Reincarnation released, all the reincarnated shinobi began to fade into pillars of light. As the battle between Tobi and Naruto ensues, Naruto charges at him, stating that his opponents were in front of him as Tobi contemplates the fact that Kabuto had seemingly been defeated. Meanwhile, the five Kage struggle to combat Madara, as as he is about to deal another blow with his sword, Madara's Susanoo suddenly dissipates and he is enveloped in a beam of light, causing him to wonder what happened to the summoner. Back at the cave Itachi uses the last of his consciousness to show Sasuke his memories of the Uchiha clan massacre, showing him when he came into possession of Shisui Uchiha's SharinganKonoha leadership's decision to move against the Uchiha clan's coup d'etat, his meeting with Tobi and ending withFugaku and Mikoto's last words to Itachi. With the full truth about the massacre revealed, Itachi told Sasuke that even if Sasuke never forgave him, and no matter what he decided to do from that point on, he would always love him.
Madara's soul
Madara's soul remaining intact and continues on fighting the five Kage.
After imparting his final words to Sasuke, Itachi's soul is released from the Impure World Reincarnation after which Kabuto seems to have been released from Izanami. On different battlefields, all the other reincarnated shinobi's souls are being released, as the five Kage realise what was happening, they wonder who had released the technique with Ōnoki noting that whomever it was, was a hero to the shinobi world. Regaining dominion over his movements, Dan asks Chōza to have them remove the barrier which sealed him. When the barrier is released, Chōza notes the hand seals Dan used, realises his intentions and tells him to hurry and go to Tsunade. Using his Spirit Transformation Technique to take control of his then-ascending soul, Dan flies to Tsunade's location in time to take over her body and save her from Madara — who though was being released from the Impure World Reincarnation, was still making a desperate attempt to kill the Kage. Speaking with Tsunade in her subconscious, before disappearing Dan tells Tsunade that he would wait for her in the afterlife but not to follow after him just yet and leaves her with the remainder of his chakra, thus restoring her Yin Seal. After returning to the real world, Tsunade and the other Kage watch in some confusion, wondering why Madara hadn't stopped moving as yet. He then explains that if the reincarnated know the seal to end the summoning contract of the Impure World Reincarnation, they could sever ties from the summoner. With this Madara performs the seal to sever the contract and tells them to tell his summoner, that he shouldn't use kinjutsu so arbitrarily.
Tobi and Demonic Statue
Tobi moving on with his plan.
Reminiscing about Itachi's last words, Sasuke is tormented by questions about important aspects of a shinobi's life, his clan, his friends and about his existence. Just as the roof of Kabuto's place caves in, Sasuke manages to dodge the falling stones and rocks. Suigetsu and Jūgo appear, claiming, at last, to have found Sasuke. Meanwhile at the battlefield, as the five Kage are still amazed to find Madara among themselves even after the Impure World Reincarnation has been released, Madara exclaims that after fighting him, they might have realised he was not the type of shinobi to be under someone else's control. And that it would be a disgrace to again summon his complete Susanoowhen it is said that "anyone who has seen it has died". Ōnoki exclaims that they must fight and defeat Madara themselves when Mei gives up.
Meanwhile, while Naruto and Killer B are still fighting Tobi and his Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, Naruto provokes Tobi to show his real face. Angered by Naruto's provocations, Tobi decides to revive the Demonic Statue to its full form as he starts weaving the hand signs. At Kabuto's place, Jūgo declaresAnko Mitarashi to still be alive and exclaims that Madara is still in the living world, surprising Sasuke. As Sasuke questions them why they were still after him, Suigetsu tells him that they had found a cool thing and hands Sasuke the scroll which they found at one ofOrochimaru's hideouts. Rendered speechless for a moment by the contents, Sasuke decides to meet with with Orochimaru; explaining to a shocked Suigetsu that Orochimaru is too tough to die easily, deciding he is "going to meet the one who knows everything".

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